

Monday 9 December 2013

December 9th 2013

Not a great photograph as I took it with my phone while walking back to the car around 4,15pm tonight. The 'space rocket' in the distance is Clifton's Catholic Cathedral which I literally walk past the red concrete walls of every day while walking to and from work. As I took this picture a lady pushing a pram stopped and intrigued, asked me what I was doing (either that or she thought I looked shifty). I actually like this bizarre uber-modern structure in the midst of grand Victoriana Clifton, that sense of contrast appeals to me. The lady however said she lives just around the corned and "absolutely hates it". And that really is what architecture should do, create comment I feel. As I walked by the main entrance to the Cathedral I took a quick photograph of the Christmas tree. It was better in real life. To the left of this in this view are some stunning modern stained glass windows, quite abstract but spectacular. Would it get built today I wonder, 40 years this year since its consecration

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